Misery likes company
but hates to clean up
the party hats.
Misery likes company
but hates to clean up
the party hats.
I Dream To Break The Sky
Exist through the nexus; fly
and feel everything, see everything.
This is us, this is now.
My stomach drops my heart it soars --
up, out, further up and further in.
Maintain the atmosphere; dive
straight beyond my barriers.
Here comes the ground! Back we go,
I spread my fingers --
there's nothing but wind and the winsome.
My dream is to one day break the sky
with a fistful of curled, coiled ambition.
Adrenaline! Differences shatter
into splintering shards of cynical cyan.
I'm floating.
This is the kind of song I usually have playing when I'm studying, or just feelin' chill. Definitely makes me feel like I'm drifting unhinged and unhindered through a 'sapphire sky' with nothing else.
Wewhew. Me gusta mucho.
If I close my eyes, my toes leave the ground.
I'm a female, can I still review?
This is a ten second loop that is jazzy and random.
There's not much to dislike, really. It played about four times before I realized it was a loop, and that's more or less how I determine if a loop is good or not.
I'm thumbs-upping you in my mind.
I think I just fell in love with you. To the max.
Sparse and pretty piano, I'm a sucker for it. I think I established that in my other review.
Any time you get soaring background sounds -- be they low guitar swells or something more dramatic like what's here towards the middle, I think something in my head switches from red to green and all of a sudden my (overactive) imagination goes into hyperdrive.
I saw a city in my mind, but I couldn't tell if it was a sunny city with tall and cheerful glass/steel manmade structures, or if it was a gritty, rainy city with as much paint on its walls as blood. The beginning certainly had a warmer feel to it, and your general doodling on the geetare sort of built it up as it went.
I like it, but it does feel like you just sat down and let your mind go. You should go back, set a destination in mind and hammer this into shape.
PS, I loved the outro sounds with the guitar in the last twenty seconds or so.
Off-kilter, progressive in that it moves forward and doesn't look back.
I'm a sucker for any solid-sounding piano, and I'm a sucker for any human being who sounds like they know what they're doing behind said piano -- no matter how short the song.
The breaks in tempo (if you can call them that) are yummy. This is something I could leave sit on loop for a while as I check my mail and update my facebook status to -- "is currently grooving to a groovalicious groove."
You know, I just gave a thumbs up to my computer screen as well as had a mini-jam in the same style as this. And I don't think you could see it, or hear it even. But, you know, just saying.
Something's Not Right
It's not broken yet, though.
Shallow Space
Woah. I'm drifting,
arms spread, eyes wide
through that Shallow Space
between your head and your heart.
Eh. How I got here has something to do
with you letting me in. Maybe on a whim, I
don't know. This is the place where things 'You
Should Not Have Said' belong. This is the place where
normal people keep their thoughts to themselves, where
'Tact' and 'Oh, Maybe That Won't Go Over Well' set up camp.
I always knew things would be airy in here, but who knew
it was this bad? There's nothing here, nothing to stop
you from ending up alone, since you can't seem
to keep a hold on that damn tongue of yours.
But then again, I'm here and have been
from the start. The ride is ending.
What if I'm the one to help
you fill that shallow
Space? Woah.
Ooer ..
The build after the initial few seconds was, in a word, epic. The slow swelling around the minute mark when I hear things starting to patter around underfoot .. that's when it really opens up my imagination.
I would have loved to hear the chimes do what the piano notes started to do -- change up a bit. They were a good steady background to have, tying things together -- but not just for three minutes.
Ohh .. so chill. Gotta love it.
Gotta say ..
.. love the rolling snare. Gave the song a precise uniformity even as swathes of synth just gamboled around in the back. Thunder was a nice touch. I want your percussion samples ..
You want Reason 4.0 stock drums? Otay :P
I am a journeyman-level writer, filmmaker, and rogue wizard currently adjusting to her newfound status as a not-quite-starving artist.
Age 32
San Francisco CA
Joined on 8/6/07